Sunday, November 18, 2012

Winter Wonderland

It snowed! Not Lubbock snow - that stuff is gross. Real, Utah snow! It has been over a week since the snow and we still have some about. Here are some pics:

Gorgeous right? More to come later!!

Friday, October 26, 2012


So in school we have this thing. It's called sports. They tend to be popular in high school and college. One of the most popular sports is football.
We love to go to the games. It is a ton of fun. We meet lots of people and get to cheer on the Cougs (even if they lose stupid games). I don't have much else to say about it, but here are some pics:

The stands :)

Ragan, Rachel, Alexis, and I at the whiteout

Forget the field - Look at the stands. The whiteout was SO cool.

The cougs

The Cougar Cheerleaders

One tiny strip of red... poor Washington

Mary, Shaylee, and their incognito date


Me, showing off my zoom skills (they were far away, but they don't look it do they?)

Rachel, Alexis, and I

and like I said, we meet new friends at football games. This is Cat. Her hair is red and she loves soccer and Henna. 

Go Cougars!

Families Can Be Forever

September was weird for church. It wasn't their fault, it was actually really cool. But by October, we had only met as a ward four times. We had general conference, stake conference, regional conference, the Brigham city temple dedication, and the first Sunday doesn't count. ;) Included in all that, our stake had the great blessing to be able to attend the Brigham City temple open house. We woke up early on a Saturday and drove 2 1/2 hours to Brigham City. It was beautiful. Here area some pics:

This is me. It was windy.

My Relief Society presidency

I love the temple. It is a symbol of hope and a haven of peace. I love being able to go to the Provo temple whenever I need to and I am so grateful for the blessings that the temple brings. 
I know that families can be together forever. I will settle for nothing less. 
"I love to see the temple,
I'm going there someday."

Once upon a hallow's eve...

Alright, so its been a while. Sorry. Sorta. But I'm posting now, so you have to forgive me. Okay? Thanks.
So its almost Halloween here at the Y and our stake celebrated it in style tonight. We had an awesome dance with candy and rootbeer and games and of course, awesome people who chose to dress up. Here are some of my favorites:

We had many Waldo's. This hidden friend is Zach. Better take a close look, he'll probably disappear soon. ;)

The theme for the night was Zombies and superheroes so here are a few of my faves:

This is McKenzie - AKA Wonderwoman

Some lovely Avengers

A zombie boy (one of the finalists in our costume contest)

A blast from the past...

And finally, a zombie gang. These folks all had frighteningly real make-up jobs and followed me around in zombie style. I ran away. I know, silly me.

And here are a few more lovely costumes:

Movie Stars

Katie as the lovely Victoria from Twilight


Katniss 2 and Effie

The Dread Pirate Roberts (and a dastardly photobomber)


and Ron!


Salt and Pepper

Elphaba and Fiero

I'm not sure who these two are. I was just impressed with their costumes. Any ideas?

Everyone Else

Abraham Lincoln and the Fatman :)

Alice in Wonderland

Sadie and Julie: our ward hipsters.

Alexis - as Red Riding Hood?

And of course, it wouldn't be BYU without one bride :)

Oh, and no worries, I dressed up too: